Retreat & Hospitality Groups

“Climb the mountains and get their good tidings. Nature’s peace will flow into you as sunshine flows into trees. The winds will blow their own freshness into you, and the storms their energy, while cares will drop off like autumn leaves.” ~John Muir

Plan Your Own Retreat

Time and time again, people have realized that coming out into nature can help center their spirits and renew their mission. Camp Latgawa can help you and your group reconnect with each other and your mission in new ways through stunning settings and radical hospitality. Here you’ll discover the beginning of your spiritual journey at the end of the road.

Camp Latgawa is proud to host a multitude of nonprofit organizations that work to better the community and the world. These nonprofit organizations include religiously affiliated groups, schools, and service organizations, and serving them is a vital part of Camp Latgawa's mission and ministry. Explore the website or contact the director at 541-826-9699 or to find out how Camp Latgawa can support your group as you develop and implement life-changing programs, train leaders, gather for visioning and planning, or take time for renewal and inspiration.

Camp Latgawa provides radical hospitality to EVERY person who comes. You are welcome in this place!


Excited about bringing your group to Camp Latgawa? Contact the director at 541-826-9699 or to discuss the pricing structure, deposit information, and the cancellation policy. Please also read the rules and guidelines for use of the site here.

Wi-Fi and Cell Phones

While we encourage guests to fully experience the relaxation and inspiration of nature during their time at Camp Latgawa by “unplugging” from their devices, we understand that guests sometimes do require access to technology. Talk to Sam to make arrangements. Cell phone coverage varies according to provider.


To make a reservation, contact the director at 541-826-9699 or

If your preferred Camp Latgawa accommodation is already in use, we invite you to consider coming on a different date. If dates at Camp Latgawa are unsuitable, we invite you to use one of our sister facilities, all affiliated with the Episcopal and United Methodist Churches:

Camp Magruder on the Oregon Coast
Camp Sawtooth in the mountains of Idaho
Suttle Lake Camp in the Central Oregon Cascades
Wallowa Lake Camp in the mountains of Northeast Oregon
Alton L. Collins Retreat Center, an adult retreat center near Mt. Hood

© 2014 Camp and Retreat Ministries:

A partnership between The Oregon-Idaho Conference of The United Methodist Church
and The Episcopal Diocese of Oregon